Local tips: Things to do on the Isle of Skye - Ben Oakes

admin posted 8 years ago

Updated: 20 July 2024

Ben Oakes was born and bred on Skye and now runs the Isle of Skye Seaweed Co. Ben shares his local tips for things to do on the Isle of Skye.

About me

I live in Sconser on the Isle of Skye.  I’ve recently started a new venture, the Isle of Skye Seaweed Co. We make cosmetic products from wild sustainably-harvested seaweed here on Skye, including lip balm and bath bombs.  “Be a mermaid!”.

My family also run Sconser Scallops which produces sustainably ranched scallops in the waters around Skye.

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Using all the great food Skye has to offer, from foraging on the shores to swapping one home-made food for another. I love finding a quiet spot on Skye and just relaxing with friends and lighting a fire (done responsibly) and watching the world go by, also a great chance to watch out for some wildlife.

How long have you lived here?

I was born and bred on Skye and have spent the majority of my life here besides from when I moved to Edinburgh to do a degree in Sustainable Environmental Management. I loved living in the city but Skye eventually called me home.

Favourite beach

My favourite has to be Talisker Beach! When you reach it after a short walk, you can see a sea stack to your left, with cliffs on both sides and in the middle there is a beach that’s a mix of rocks and sand. Lots of flotsam and jetsam also washes up here so you never know what you’re going to find either.

Best walk

I don’t really have favourite walk it all depends on the weather where I decide to go from the gardens in the Clan Donald Centre in the south of Skye to the walk out to coral beach near Dunvegan.

Most special time of year

Easy! The best time of year on Skye must be May before the midges arrive but the weather is still usually nice, so it’s great for a BBQ.

The one thing every tourist should do on the Isle of Skye

Get your hands on local produce! It can be found all over in shops and restaurants.

Your best wildlife encounter

Watching a juvenile otter hunting in shallow water. The water was so clear you could see it dive down to the seabed and swim along looking for food.

Favourite road or drive

Driving from Dunvegan to Sligachan, the views of the Cuillin is just absolutely stunning!!!

Also a good tip while driving around Skye is to always have a good pair of binoculars and your camera handy.

Talisker beach cliffs Isle of Skye

Most loved view

Watching the sun set from Sconser looking up the Raasay Sound is just magic and every time it is completely different.

Favourite place to eat and drink

I love a BBQ! Can’t beat hand dived Sconser Scallops on a BBQ with freshly caught mackerel and ice cold cider.

Holiday Scottish Highlands & Islands says…

We love the sound of the products being developed by the Isle of Skye Seaweed Co. and wish Ben every success with his business! We’re also very jealous of Ben watching an otter underwater. Skye really is a special place for wildlife.

Find out more about Isle of Skye Seaweed Co. and Sconser Scallops

Want more local tips?

Check out all articles in the What to see in Scotland: Local Tips series or some of our other tips for making the most of a trip to Skye:

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